BREAKING: Beacon Hill Wants Your Testimony on H3868 So They Can Protect Tenant Rights

The public is invited to participate in the Joint Committee on the Judiciary's hybrid hearing on December 5, 2023 at 1:00pm.  Please note that the Chair will limit testimony to one time, for a total of three minutes, per individual.

We Collaborate

The Office of the Attorney General has asserted that it is unlawful for a housing provider not to protect tenants from harassment. I wrote to seek a meeting with the Attorney General or the Policy & Government Affairs Division to discuss the issues around bullying, mobbing, and hostile environment harassment. I asked to include tenants and the legislative sponsors of H3868—a bill to create an office of the tenant advocate that would protect the rights of tenants when landlords fail to prevent hostile environment harassment.

Office of the Tenant Advocate

Why is this creating the office of the tenant advocate in the Office of the Attorney General, so important? This bill will assure tenants of their rights by providing accountability for landlords. Today, across the Commonwealth, a significant minority of landlords of subsidized and public housing fail in their responsibility to provide peaceful enjoyment and prevent hostile environment harassment, thus creating pain and suffering for tenants who can find no relief or remedy. The fundamental cause is the lack of accountability for errant landlords. Most landlords, operating under the same constraints, choose to provide a more hospitable environment. Eliminating hostile environment harassment is essential for building constructive collaboration among tenants and landlords. The bill has a strong foundation in law, research, and the urgent need is confirmed by the experience and testimony of tenants.

Community Norms, Social Distancing & Bullying

Apartment building, trees in spring


Community norms can either promote a healthy, caring community or lead to a toxic community that is harmful. In public and subsidized housing for the elderly and disabled, failure to control bullying and mobbing (group bullying) creates a toxic community, while failing to prevent transmission of COVID-19 can create a deadly situation.

The Oracle Speaks: Jack & Jill in Erehwon Village

Lucy, the manager of Erehwon Village, a multifamily public housing facility for elderly and disabled, has received complaints about the couple, Jack and Jill, from Thomasina, Dick, and Hariette, the "Guardians," The "Guardians" are self-appointed overseers of life in the village and no one dares stand up to them. What should Lucy, the manager, do? The Oracle is silent on this problem, but the Oracle has received several responses.

Righteous Indignation Confronts Mobbing

Pamela Goodwin

Pamela Goodwin, a 69-year-old woman living in public housing has challenged what she sees as poor management and disregard of the rights of tenants at her housing development at the housing authority in Upton Massachusetts. Goodwin has argued that the housing is dangerous for elderly persons as well as those with disabilities because it is not ADA compliant with regard to the stairs at each apartment because the entrances lack ramps or handrails, and the development lacks adequate parking, with limited parking for persons with disability. Instead of dealing with those issues, members of the housing authority and the manager have portrayed Goodwin as a danger to the community.

Bullying and Mobbing in Group Settings

Janice Harper, PhD, Author of Mobbed!
"As a cultural anthropologist, my focus has been on the behavior of the group and on organizational cultures that can lead otherwise good and decent people to behave in cruel and inhumane ways given certain patterned and predictable features of mobbing and how people respond when a leader targets someone for punishment." More: