Peace in the housing community
There is a dynamic in some public and subsidized housing communities for the elderly and disabled that reminds of the witchcraft hysteria in 1692-1693 and of current social and political polarization in our world.
In a typical housing community composed of a diverse group of individuals, if there is to be peace and fairness for all, everyone needs to agree to accept and live within a code of conduct that does not require total conformity.
Testimony on Bullying Bills Before the Joint Committee on Housing
Today, victims of bullying have no hope because we have no protection, no remedy, and no justice. Tomorrow, you, our legislators can give us hope and restore our rights. Senator Lovely’s bill, S985—the ombuds bill—will ensure the 92,000 elderly and persons with disability who live in public and subsidized housing of their right to peaceful enjoyment.
Testimony of Jerry Halberstadt on S791—task force on safety & welfare
We strongly support the creation of a joint task force on the safety and welfare of elderly and disabled persons residing in public housing as proposed in S791 by Senator Diana DiZoglio. This task force will complement the findings of the Commission on Bullying and can lead to legislative and administrative changes that can complement the goals of the bills on bullying.
Legislature considers landmark tenant protective services ombuds
At Beacon Hill, on April 30, 2019, the Joint Commitee on Housing meets to consider comprehensive groundbreaking legislation to protect elderly persons and people with disability in subsidized and public housing from bullying. Complementary bills filed by Senator Lovely and Representative Honan will create an ombuds office to protect tenants and assure their rights by holding landlords to account, and improve the administration of housing programs.
Public-Private Partnerships: Good for Public Housing Tenants?
Redevelopment of failing public housing must engage tenants, and their rights need to be protected by oversight and accountability.
Friends and Partners at CHAPA Housing Day on Beacon Hill
How to be an effective advocate: Susan Bonner is the model advocate, she is the friend and partner of the tenants she represents, a friend and partner of leaders of other advocacy organizations, and the friend and partner of legislators. See Susan in action at the State House.
Wanted: Landlords and Managers Who Stop the Bullying
Bullying can become a plague in multifamily developments, but some landlords, developers, and managers lead in the effort to create safe and inclusive community.
An open letter to our legislators on Beacon Hill
Dear Legislator,
Have your constituents appealed to you for help to protect them from bullying in public or subsidized housing?
Now you have a way to protect them. Please join now with your colleagues to remedy injustice and create a better life for tenants.
Legislators to Protect Tenants from Bullying
At Beacon Hill, on January 18, 2019, legislators sponsored bills to prevent bullying of the elderly and people with disability who live in subsidized or public housing.
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Two Americas
Today, the selfish, other America is bullying everyone. The
shutdown of the government is hurting the country,
eliminating essential services, putting hard working and
dedicated federal workers into financial distress.
We who live in public and subsidized housing are
also facing threats to our homes and our food.
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