For A Healthy Community:Prevent Bullying

American flag and MIA banner

Bullying is a contagious social disease that flourishes in the absence of a legitimate social order, creates a toxic environment and an unhealthy community life, all while causing psychological and physical harm to victims. I attempt to answer: What is bullying? How does it arise? How can we prevent bullying? And how can we create healthy community in multifamily housing?

Pride overcomes bullying

Fall foliage, golden leaves against red sky

If we are to eliminate bullying in multifamily housing communities, and heal the community, we need to change attitudes and increase the level of mutual understanding and cooperation. We need to have pride in our community, and earn the respect of the wider community. Therefore, we need to change ourselves (managers and residents alike) and how we relate to each other. We won't achieve our goals by trying to kick out tenants or trying to fire the managers.

The Bully in the Workplace

Cover art for The Bully's Trap by Andrew Faas

Faas writes, “Why do bullies bully?” The simple answer is because they work in an environment where it is allowed, condoned, encouraged, and even expected....but where bullying is not allowed or condoned it will stop.

Andrew Faas was a senior executive in retail for three decades, and during that time demonstrated how to lead and manage a business, not from fear and bullying, but through establishing cultural dynamics that are based on values, motivation, and positive leadership to create a strong organization and a safe place to work. His ideas are relevant to bullying in multifamily residential situations.

Governor Baker creates landmark commission on bullying

Woman dancing

August 10, 2016. Governor Baker has signed resolve S1984, thus creating a landmark commission to protect elderly and disabled victims from harassing and bullying. Passage of this resolve demonstrates again the leadership and compassion of our legislators and of Governor Baker and their responsive concern for the well-being and rights of all citizens. It is a victory for citizen activism and democracy.


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Open letter to State Auditor Diane DiZoglio: Performance Audit of MA Department of Public Health (DPH)


World Health Network

October 17, 2023

Open letter to State Auditor Diana DiZoglio

To: Auditor Diana DiZoglio
Massachusetts State House, Room 230, Boston, MA 02133

Subject: Performance Audit of MA Department of Public Health (DPH)


Bonny's Links: November2019

Federal Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit Filed By a Victim of Bullying in Senior Housing

In 2014, Ms Wentzel, an elderly person who is openly lesbian, moved to Glen St Andrews Living Community, near Niles, Indiana. Over the next 15 months, she was verbally and physically abused by other residents due to her sexual orientation. When she complained to staff about the abuse, they called her a liar and eventually retaliated against her, forcing her to change her living arrangements and eat in her own apartment, not the restaurant. So, Ms Wentzel retained an attorney and sued the Glen St.

Pride overcomes bullying

If we are to eliminate bullying in multifamily housing communities, and heal the community, we need to change attitudes and increase the level of mutual understanding and cooperation. We need to have pride in our community, and earn the respect of the wider community. Therefore, we need to change ourselves (managers and residents alike) and how we relate to each other. We won't achieve our goals by trying to kick out tenants or trying to fire the managers.